Fall Track Program is Now Open

Our Spring and Jumps Prep Program will run this fall at Newton North High School

The WTC fall sprint/jump program is focused on the high school and Middle school athlete who seeks to develop speed and power. Training is centered on improving sprint mechanics, technique, and best practices. Each training session could include weight sled work, resistance bands, bounding, starting block instruction, etc. These aids will develop the strength and coordination needed for the young athlete to develop in their chosen sport.

Coaches instruct and teach the athletes how and why the movements and drills will improve their performance. We use video for feedback and the Freelap Timing system to measure the athletes progress. The athletes will find the training informative and most importantly...fun!  All groups are co-ed.

More Information: https://www.walthamtrackclub.com/high-school

Sprints/Jumps Coach Newton North Girls Track and Field

USATF - New England Masters T&F Chair