Registration for our 2025 Spring Youth Track & Field Program is OPEN
PRACTICE TIMES at the start of the season
Sunday 4PM
Monday 6:30
Thursday 6:30
CERTAIN AGE GROUPS ARE IN WAITLIST STATUS - If your athletes group is full, please complete this form to be added to the waitlist. After we assess coaching capacity, we will start taking athletes from the waitlist week of March 10th
10U Boys are close to capacity
11-12 Boys only has openings for Waltham residents
The program’s philosophy and approach uses the sport of Track and Field to develop the self-esteem of the youth participants and establish a long-term athletic foundation to create physically capable adults (Long-Term Athletic Development) By providing the participants a safe environment where they can autonomously sample running, jumping, and throwing, the athletes develop at their own pace while making friends and becoming part of the track and field community. With no bench and no coach-driven playing time, track and field provides a unique youth sports environment where kids drive their own participation. By highlighting improvement over the season, we can help connect effort with outcomes. Sometimes, we’re not measuring anything but creating a fun challenge.
Our Club is pleased to offer two youth track and field programs for both the upcoming spring and summer seasons. Members may choose to do one or both of these programs:
Program A is our traditional program offering basic instruction and weekly competitions, as well as the opportunity to continue on during the summer to compete in Junior Olympic level competitions and other youth meets. It is open to all boys and girls, ages 8-14. There are no tryouts or cuts. There are three age groups 8-10, 11-12 and 13-14. Age group assignments are determined by the athlete’s age as of June 21 of the current year.
The Program will run from late April. Our target date is April 27 through mid June. Sessions will be held Sunday, Monday, Thursday from end of April through mid June. Members choose which nights they will attend (they do not need to attend every night). Session will be held predominately at Waltham’s Leary Field, 19 Athletic Field Road. Some may be held at Newton North High School, 457 Walnut Street, Newton.
PRACTICE TIMES: We’ll move a bit with the daylight. Monday and Thursday 6:30 - 7:40 Sunday 4. Intramural meets will be Sunday at the same time. We might divide Sunday into 2 sessions after we review the registrations
FEES: First Athlete in the family - $165 non-Waltham Resident, $125 for Waltham Residents. 2nd thru Nth athlete $65. Athletes will get a practice shirt.
No special shoes are needed.
Currently, our plan is to provide several weeks of instruction and practice in all events offered. We will also offer inter squad competitions at which members will compete against others of the same gender and age group. Weekday practice will continue to offer event specific training.
Competitions include the following events: 100, 200, 800, mile, hurdles, long jump, shot put, and turbo javelin. Participants choose the events and the meets in which they wish to compete. Performance charts are updated after each competition to reflect each member's personal record for all events in which they participated - awards are presented at our end of season Award's Night based on the Performance Charts.
An awards night is held at the conclusion of the program at which gold, silver and bronze certificates are awarded based on the number of personal records (PRs) each member has achieved over the course of the season. Race Walk medals and Distance Running medals are also awarded based on the number of times that members participate in those events during the season.
Participants in Program A will have the option to continue training and competing during the summer, specifically for Junior Olympic competitions.
Program B is for 13-18 year olds who plan to compete in the Jr Olympic competitions in June and July and who want a more structured training program that focuses on events for spring and summer competitions.
For those competing in their school programs, this is likely the program to join.
Members interested in Program B need to contact Coach Dave Teszler at for more specific info and for registration format. There are no special requirements or tryouts, but members should have experience in track and field - first time participants in track and field would be better served by registering for our Program A. Prior members of Program B will be accepted automatically
Program B will compete at various USATF Meets in the Spring including the New England Jr Olympics in June. Those who qualify at the New England Meet may choose to the compete at the Region 1 championship in Fitchburg MA
Members choose which events they will focus on, as well as the days they will attend (they do not need to attend every session). Youth members who wish to register for our Program B MUST commit to competing in the USATF-sponsored Junior Olympic meet in June and are strongly encouraged to participate in other local competitions hosted by other clubs and organizations. This program is not intended as a general conditioning program for youth from other sports. Sessions will be held at Newton North High School, 457 Walnut Street, Newton and Waltham’s Leary Field.
The first several weeks of the program will include general conditioning (e.g. core, agility, strength, flexibility); followed by more specialized instruction in the track and field events on which the athlete will focus during the season. Interested members may register for either Program A or Program B, or Both. Those interested in our Program A should register on this site.
All members are required to become members of the USATF (United States Track & Field Association) before registering for either of our Spring Programs. Members who do not yet belong to USATF or who need to renew their membership, need to go to -
Click on Join if a new member and on Renew if renewing a membership. (BE SURE TO AFFILIATE YOUR MEMBERSHIP WITH THE WALTHAM TRACK CLUB - our Club # is 55). You will be given a membership number immediately online, which you should include in the appropriate space of our Club registration. OBTAIN YOUR USATF MEMBERSHIP FIRST, BEFORE REGISTERING FOR OUR SPRING Programs. Your registration will not be accepted without your USATF number being included.
Middle school participants are welcome to join either of our programs, but should discuss their individual needs and situation with us before doing so. We do not want to interfere with any middle school program nor do we want members to overdo their schedule. Many middle school members do both, but it only works with good communication and a planned balance between our Club and their middle school schedule.
Any scholarship requests MUST be made prior to registering - send request, with a brief reason for the request, to